NordGen shares results of conferences on genetic resources in protected areas

Date: 21 February 2011

The Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen)* has recently posted on its website webcasts, reports and presentations stemming from a series of conferences held in 2009 and 2010 in Sweden, focusing on the in situ conservation of genetic resources in protected areas (GRIPA) and access and benefit sharing issues surrounding PGRFAs, mainly in Europe. Key speakers from the European in situ conservation world report on the lessons learned, on the difficulties of setting up national conservation strategies targeting the protection of these species, and provide advice on how to convert "words into action". For more information, please visit the GRIPA webpage.  Download (56 KB) (56 KB) the schedule of presentations for GRIPA 2010. * Nordgen is Nordic organization devoted to the safeguarding and sustainable use of plants, farm animals and forests. NordGen’s primary task is to contribute to securing the broad diversity of genetic resources linked to food and agriculture. This is done through conservation and sustainable use, solid documentation and information work and international agreements.