
1.1. Preparation of documents on the governance structure, functions and funding mechanism (led by UOB/ BIOVERSITY/SPGRC)

1.2. Preparation of guidelines to harmonise the access and benefit sharing of in situ genetic resources within the CWR network (led by BIOVERSITY/SPGRC)

1.3. Hold Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) workshop with representative set of National focal points to Nagoya protocols, ITPGRFA and CBD of the SADC region to discuss harmonisation of Access and benefit sharing of in situ conserved materials (led by SPGRC/Bioversity)

1.4. Preparation of network policy white paper and Ministerial edict for the establishment of regional CWR network in the SADC region for endorsement /ratification by SADC Member states (led by BIOVERSITY/UOB)

1.5. Hold validation network foundation for endorsement of network policy white paper and ministerial edict by SADC stakeholders (led by SPGRC/ BIOVERSITY).

1.6. Finalisation of the SADC regional CWR network policy white paper and draft Edict paper and submission to SADC Council of Ministers for approval.

2.1. Establish a national participative multi-stakeholder committee on CWR to serve as the collaborative stakeholder platform in each country (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS)

2.2. Undertake conservation planning for CWR Conservation in Malawi and Tanzania  (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS with technical support from UOB/BIOVERSITY)

2.3. Prepare National Strategic Action Plans for CWR Conservation in Malawi and Tanzania (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS with technical support from UOB/BIOVERSITY)

2.4. In depth studies validating priority conservation sites of CWR population for inclusion in the SADC Regional CWR network (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS with technical support from UOB/BIOVERSITY)

2.5. Preparation of a Regional Strategic Action Plan for CWR Conservation for the SADC region based on the previous regional CWR assessment made in SADC-CWR project (led by UOB/BIOVERSITY)

2.6. Revision of management plans of selected protected areas sites and writing of management agreements for 7 newly established, less formal sites to be part of the regional SADC in situ (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS with technical support from UOB/BIOVERSITY).

3.1. Strengthen the ex situ conservation facilities and personnel at the SPGRC regional genebank in Lusaka to receive CWR samples for conservation (led by BIOVERSITY/SPGRC)

3.2. Gap filling collecting of CWR genetic resources and local knowledge from in situ sites and their conservation in national and regional genebanks (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS/SPGRC)

3.3. Back up of germplasm for safety duplication in regional and international genebanks (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS/SPGRC)

3.4. Enrich SADC Documentation Information System (SDIS) to provide information on CWR such as passport data, identified traits and other useful information that facilitates use of CWR genetic resources (led by SPGRC/NATIONAL PARTNERS)

3.5. Distribution of CWR accessions to breeders at national regional and international breeding centres (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS/SPGRC).

4.1. Feasibility study on the potential use of CWR in breeding programmes at the national and SADC regional level (SWOT analysis). (led by UOB/Bioversity/ National partners)

4.2. Establishment of functional procedures on the potential use of CWR in breeding programmes at the national and SADC regional level. (led by SPGRC/BIOVERSITY)

4.3. Predictive characterisation study on the potential use of CWR in breeding programmes at the national and SADC regional level (led by UOB/BIOVERSITY)

4.4. Engage and establish links with national and international breeders for specific crops for facilitating the exchange and distribution of CWR accessions and pre-bred material arising from the use of CWR to national programmes and novel varieties provided to farmers. (led by NATIONAL PARTNERS AND BIODIVERSITY).

5.1. Desk review and expert consultation to identify potential range of mechanisms for enhancing farmer benefits, such as: i) direct farmer support for public good conservation and monitoring service provision, ii) enhanced direct use of CWR, iii) improved access to a) existing and b) future CWR-derived materials, and iv) the establishment of a potential benefit-sharing fund related to any future materials developed from SADC CWR).

5.2. A Tool Kit/”How To” manual for informing farmer benefit mechanism design and assessment developed. Assessment criteria to inter alia consider: a) magnitude, b) level (national/regional/international) and c) time-scale over which potential benefits may be generated for farmers (differentiated by gender), d) implementation costs and e) long-term funding source potential.

5.3. Pilot testing and/or modelling of mechanisms for CWR-derived farmers’ benefits in 2 sites in partner countries.

6.1. Carry out a needs assessment at the first kick off meeting of the project to define training needs (led by UOB)

6.2. Hold a training workshop to strengthen capacity for the implementation of the regional network (led by UOB/BIOVERSITY)

6.3. Run a mentorship programme for reinforcing capacity building efforts for effective conservation and use of CWR in SADC region (led by UOB /BIOVERSITY)

6.4. Supervise research assistants and students working hands-on the project (led by UOB/ BIOVERSITY)

6.5. Organise and hold end of project conference on conservation and use of PGRFA in year 3 UOB/Bioversity/SPGRC.

7.1. Coordinate and manage all aspects of project implementation (led by Bioversity)

7.2. Establish project Steering Committee – composed of representatives of the partners and representatives of SADC secretariat and ITPGRFA, Global Crop Diversity Trust, FAO commission, and CIRAD.

7.3. Organise and hold kick-off meeting with partners and hold first steering committee (led by SPGRC/BIOVERSITY)

7.4. Prepare a communications plan for dissemination of the project to targeted stakeholders (led by Bioversity and SPGRC)

7.5. Prepare a data management strategy for the project at the outset of the project to ensure access and sharing of project outputs under agreed terms (led by BIOVERSITY)

7.6. Prepare policy briefs on the conservation and use of CWR (led by SPGRC/BIOVERSITY)

7.7. Hold regular on-line meetings with project partners for coordinating the project activities (led by BIOVERSITY)

7.8. Monitor project progress by holding annual partner and steering committee meetings involving all the partners (led by BIOVERSITY)

7.9. Ensure gender integration in all the project activities where feasible (led by BIOVERSITY)